Gad Elmaleh pushed by his sons to find love? Adorable secrets about her little Raphaël…

Hard to believe that Gad Elmaleh is a heart to take. The 51-year-old comedian has not formalized a love story since he separated from Charlotte Casiraghi, daughter of Princess Caroline of Monaco, in 2015. This celibacy, Gad Elmaleh assumes it and savor. If he claims to bea lover of love“, not depending on anyone and no longer having to report has many advantages in his eyes. And in the eyes of his son Raphaël, the fruit of his passion with the beautiful Monegasque.

Invited on the airwaves of RTL to converse with Karine Le Marchand and Jeanfi Janssens in We don’t answer anything anymore this Saturday, May 14, Gad Elmaleh confided in his role as dad of Noé, 21, born of his relationship with actress Anne Brochet, and therefore of Raphaël. If he thinks he has the soul of “papa hen”, he cannot however be present every time because of the many trips and commitments that his job imposes on him. So the time he spends with them, and especially with his youngest, is precious.

The idea of ​​having a companion to share a life as a couple with him is therefore not really on the agenda. To the delight of Raphaël, 8, not unhappy to have his dad just for him for the moment. While Karine Le Marchand wanted to know if her sons encouraged her to find love again, Gad Elmaleh was quick to answer: “It is rather the big one who would like. The little one, I don’t think. He likes us spending time together at home. He sometimes comes to my bed to play.

Despite their separation seven years ago, Charlotte Casiraghi and Gad Elmaleh have remained on good terms. The comedian only keeps good memories of his time on the Rock and of this world he rubbed shoulders with, far from his own. He even talks about it in his show Moreover : “The prince (Albert, editor’s note) attended my show in Monaco. He is a man with a lot of humor and humility. I have a lot of affection for him. He came after the show and we talked about it. He was very amused and very touched“, he confided. Good relationships essential for the balance of Raphaël.

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