Gad Elmaleh on the education of his sons: “I was a different dad with the two children”

Comedian and actor Gad Elmaleh was invited to Manu Katché’s show, The Katché side. The 50-year-old Canadian-Moroccan took the opportunity to talk about his professional career as well as his life as a dad, he who has two sons, from two different women, Anne Brochet and Charlotte Casiraghi.

At the end of a complicated period on the professional level, which he saw in particular being accused of plagiarism, the person concerned confided in RTL on the consequences of this affair, and the friends he lost: “All that I thought were clichés about the profession like ‘be careful, people turn their back on you’, ‘be careful there are people who are there when things are going well, but not when things are going badly’… It’s real stuff, which I have experienced with comedians, TV hosts, film producers.

A first time father in 2000 with the birth of Noah he had with the actress Anne Brochet, then a second time in 2013 and Raphael with Charlotte Casiraghi, Gad Elmaleh spoke about this double paternity, in a certain atypical sense. “I was a different dad with the two children. It’s stupid to say. But I’m sure that if my two boys talk about their dad, basically they will, I hope, totally agree, but on the organization and the form, they did not have exactly the same” he confided on France Inter.

Faced with Manu Katché, the comedian did not hide the lack of reference he has in this configuration, he who has never been with a woman of the same origins as him: “It can’t be the same way as my parents because quite simply my mother and my father were from the same culture. I had two children and the two mothers of my children were not Jewish, were not Moroccan“. The interpreter of coconut acknowledged that he preferred to instill “universal values“to his sons rather than to”dogmas and cults.”

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