Gad Elmaleh closely affected by the death of Elizabeth II, why does her disappearance upset all her projects?

Time is sad… Despite his career of which he can be very proud, Gad Elmaleh does not hide his desire to go back to certain moments of his life. Like the time he refused a role in one of the greatest French comedies, The truth if I lieto accept that of a feature film with Gérard Depardieu in XXL. Asked about it in the podcast PAUSEthe comedian returned to this “error” which could have cost him dearly.

“Me, wrongly, I say to myself, I have 20 and a few ballets, I am told: ‘You are going to shoot with Depardieu’, I thought it was going to be a crazy success”he remembers before joking: “The film makes 4 entries”. Although he joked about the number of entries, the figure remains very low compared to expected expectations. Fortunately, a few years later, he was again offered a role in The truth if I lie to take the place of Vincent Elbaz in the second opus. The rest, everyone knows.

Elizabeth II disappeared, Gad Elmaleh must review his plans

Since his appearances in many successful films, and his shows which always bring together thousands of fans, Gad Elmaleh continues his career and does not seem to want to stop. Noé and Raphaël’s dad even had plans to go on stage in London to meet his audience across the Channel. Unfortunately, an event that plunged the United Kingdom into deep sadness on September 8 will force it to review all its plans…

“Hello friends in London. I regret it very much… Of course we tried to reschedule a date but without success with the venue. Thank you for your understanding. I hope to see you again in moments of joy soon. Thank you for your loyalty Gad bless you all ;)”, he wrote in the caption of a snapshot in which he announced that he had to cancel his date following the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. Let’s hope that this is only a postponement and that the next few months will allow him to perform his planned show in London.

See also: Gad Elmaleh stranded on the side of a road: his vacation with a famous comedian wasted!


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