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An operation for the benefit of children with a genetic disease

All monies will be donated to the Imagine Institute to advance research and change the lives of families affected by these diseases.

As a reminder, genetic diseases are the leading cause of child mortality in France. Every day in France, 64 babies are born with a genetic disease. Institute researchers and physicians Conceived mission is to understand and heal them. 1 in 2 children has no name for their illness, and 85% have no specific treatment.

With 3 million people affected in France and nearly 30,000 new cases diagnosed each year, genetic diseases are complex and debilitating. There are more than 8,000 genetic diseases, 5 new diseases are discovered each month, and only 10% of patients have a treatment. Thus, research is fundamental in this fight for life.

All competition information is available on the Imagine Institute website.

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