Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois condemns the “Islamophobic” remarks of a PQ candidate

MONTREAL | If Paul St-Pierre Plamondon had to keep Pierre Vanier’s candidacy in Rousseau, that would be tantamount to saying that he endorses the Islamophobic publications that have resurfaced, considers Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois.

• Read also: “Unacceptable remarks”: PSPP suspends its anti-Muslim candidate

In one of his publications, where we see a mosaic of veiled women, Mr. Vanier, who today wears the colors of the Parti Québécois in the riding of Rousseau, suggested in 2016 that they “miss a 15 minutes of not cooked in the noggin”.

“Are you waiting until your daughters and granddaughters have to wear this before you wake up? Let’s take back our country before it’s too late,” Mr. Vanier also wrote the previous year.

For the co-spokesperson of Québec solidaire, it is “clearly” about “comments that are Islamophobic”. Honestly, it’s obvious: these are words that are anti-Muslim,” denounced Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, who was campaigning in Verdun, Friday morning.

“Mr. Plamondon often tells us that he doesn’t like word arguments, he said. Well there, there will be no need to have a debate of words. These are comments that clearly attack certain Quebecers because of their religion.

simple logic

“If Mr. (St-Pierre) Plamondon keeps someone on his team who thinks things like that, well that means that Mr. Plamondon is comfortable with that. It’s just logical,” observed Mr. Nadeau-Dubois, answering questions on this subject during a press briefing.

“If Mr. Plamondon keeps this person in his team, that will therefore mean that he finds that it is correct and that he finds that it has a place in his project for Quebec” added the co-portfolio. word of Quebec solidaire.

Without wanting to tell his PQ counterpart what to do, Mr. Nadeau-Dubois points out that the gesture that Paul St-Pierre Plamondon will make could be “very revealing of the social project” proposed by the Parti Québécois.

“I can tell you that a person who attacks a group of the population like that, pointing at them, that person, I would not want them on my team, said the supportive spokesperson. . Because it’s so contrary to Quebec that I love, then to Quebec that I want to build. Mr. (St-Pierre) Plamondon must decide whether these remarks, he thinks that represent the Quebec he wants to build. It’s not my case.”

Take time

Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, who himself had to accept the withdrawal of his candidate in Camille-Laurin after a history of theft of a PQ leaflet, understands however that the leader of the PQ wishes to first discuss with his candidate before deciding on the sequence of things.

“I understand that things move quickly in politics, but I will not criticize Mr. Plamondon if he wishes to take the time to speak to his candidate. This is what I did myself a few days ago in a very different context,” said the QS co-spokesperson.

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