Gabriel Magalhães dad! Arsenal star opens up on giving birth details

The beautiful Maya was born at the beginning of the month and on his Instagram account, Gabriel Magalhães recounted in detail that particular night when he had the chance to become a dad. “On March 30, 2022 Gabi started having contractions around 5 p.m. and at 9 p.m. we went to the hospital! The contractions were increasing and getting more and more rhythmic, when we arrived we stayed in a temporary room until ours was ready”details the compatriot of Neymar.

I saw how strong and courageous my wife was to give birth to our daughter without any intervention or anesthesia

An ordeal that is always special for new parents, but obviously, the companion of Gabriel Magalhães was particularly strong during this crucial moment. “We were shocked because despite the pain and the contractions Gabi was very calm. We went to our room where there was a bathtub and there she was in labor until she was 10cm dilated. After her water broke, the baby started coming out.”says Gabriel Magalhães, who highlights the attitude of his daughter’s mother: “I saw how strong and courageous my wife was to deliver our daughter without any intervention or anesthesia”.

Very happy with the birth of his little Maya, Gabriel Magalhães accompanied his story with photos of the event. We see him accompany his wife during all the stages of childbirth, holding her hand and remaining at her side to encourage her.

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