Emmanuel Macron had wanted to open “the work of a new stage of decentralization” in October 2023. A mission on the subject, entrusted to Eric Woerth, “will deliver its first conclusions by spring”.
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One way to implement the “new stage of decentralization” promised by Emmanuel Macron? Gabriel Attal expressed his hope before the Senate that a law on decentralization would be “presented” before the end of the year, Wednesday January 31.
“I hope that a law built with associations of elected officials will be presented before the end of 2024 to draw the conclusions of Eric Woerth’s mission”affirmed the Prime Minister in his general policy statement to the upper house of Parliament. “Our objective is simple: to go beyond sterile debates on which level to keep or remove, and to concentrate on the means to really improve public action. The rule must be simple: for a competence, you need a manager and a dedicated financing”detailed Gabriel Attal.
The Renaissance deputy and former Minister of the Budget, to whom Emmanuel Macron entrusted this mission in November 2023, “will deliver its first conclusions by spring”, specified the Prime Minister. In the mission letter sent by President Emmanuel Macron to the MP, he was asked in particular to look into “the simplification of territorial organization, with a view to reducing the number of decentralized strata which are currently too numerous”.
“A real status of the local elected official”
The head of state had promised to open “the construction site of a new stage of decentralization”For “give more freedoms but also responsibilities” to local elected officials in order to “help them act better”during a speech given on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the Constitution of the Fifth Republic in October 2023. Emmanuel Macron had notably criticized “encroachment” even “competition” between local authorities and the State, which according to him “product of inefficiency for public action” and an “loss of reference points for our fellow citizens”.
The Prime Minister also said he wanted “establish a real status for local elected officials” in the face of the vocations crisis and the rise in violence. A Senate bill on this subject is on the agenda for the coming weeks.