Gabriel Attal unveils several strong measures


Video length: 1 min

Health: Gabriel Attal unveils several strong measures

Health: Gabriel Attal unveils several strong measures


The Minister of Health announced, Saturday April 6, a financial effort for palliative care. For his part, Gabriel Attal unveiled several strong measures such as the establishment of a “rabbit tax” for missed doctor’s appointments.

The Prime Minister wants to accelerate on the health front and end the crisis. He first wants to increase the number of practitioners. “We will train up to double the number of doctors that we trained each year when the President of the Republic was elected”, declared Gabriel Attal. The number should therefore increase to 16,000 places in 2027 compared to 8,150 in 2017. This development will, however, have little impact in the short term, because the training time is long.

A “rabbit tax” of 5 euros

Second axis announced by the head of government: simplify 16 medical procedures. For example, pharmacists will be able to directly prescribe antibiotics in the event of angina, from June. Gabriel Attal also wants to make patients who do not honor their appointment with a doctor responsible with the introduction of a “rabbit tax” of 5 euros if a slot is not canceled at least 24 hours in advance. A system which could come into force on January 1, 2025, subject to a favorable vote in Parliament.

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