Gabriel Attal “proposes” Marine Le Pen to debate with him “on the question of the middle classes”

The Minister in charge of Public Accounts accuses the president of the National Rally group in the Assembly of confusing tax revenues and tax rates.

“If she wants to talk about the middle classes, I suggest that we debate together on the question of the middle classes”, launches the Minister Delegate for Public Accounts, Gabriel Attal, Friday, April 28 on franceinfo, for Marine Le Pen. A debate that he imagines, for example, on the“antenna” from franceinfo.

“Since she obviously talks about it, let’s have a debate together on the situation of the middle classes where she will be able to report on the positions that have been hers in recent years, systematically against the interest of the middle classes in France”he suggests.

Marine Le Pen contradicts Emmanuel Macron

The president of the National Rally group in the Assembly spoke on this subject on Thursday: “Contrary to what Emmanuel Macron claims, no, taxes have not fallen. They have exploded and they penalize above all the working and middle classes. The weight of compulsory levies has never been as high as in 2022, with a record of 45.3% of GDP”she exclaimed on Twitter.

“I looked at this tweet from Marine Le Pen, she confuses tax revenue and the tax rate”answers Gabriel Attal. “Yes, tax revenues increased last year, even though we lowered the rate. Why? Because we have an economy that has been solid, that has developed”he says.

“We had a growth rate of 2.6%. When you have growth, when you have companies that are developing, there is no more tax revenue”, he points. To hear it, Marine Le Pen “is lying”And “the French who listen to us, who paid the housing tax and no longer pay it, know it”.

Further tax cuts to come

“The French who listen to us, who paid the TV license fee and no longer pay it, they know it. The French who listen to us, who will be able to deduct from their tax up to 3,500 euros instead of 2,300 euros for daycare of their children, they will see it”hammers the minister again.

The executive also claims to have the intention of doing more for the middle classes. Thus, Gabriel Attal “wish (…) that we can work with parliamentarians to see if we can better target the tax cuts that are planned for the working middle classes. It could be income tax, it could be employee contributions, it could be the issue of inheritance, I think everything is open.”he says.

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