Gabriel Attal promises an “electroshock”



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Education: Gabriel Attal promises an “electroshock”

Education: Gabriel Attal promises an “electroshock” – (franceinfo)

Article written by

franceinfo – L. Legendre-Trousset, M. Martel, J. Wild, N. Salem, S. Thiebaut, A. Da Silva

France Televisions

According to the PISA ranking, carried out in OECD countries, the French are dropping out, they have lost 21 points since 2018, this is unprecedented. Gabriel Attal announced, Tuesday, December 5, a series of measures regarding repeating a year or level groups.

More requirements and strong measures to ensure that students do better at school. The Minister of Education Gabriel Attal intends to deploy new, clearer programs from primary school with textbooks. On repeating a year, it will no longer be parents but teachers who will have the last word. In 2021, less than 4% of students at the end of CM2 had repeated a class at least once, in 1987, they were 33%. Teachers will also be able to recommend successful courses to students during the holidays which will determine their passage to the next class.

Early baccalaureate exam

An important reform is also in middle school with the establishment of level groups in French and mathematics. The certificate will become essential to enter high school. Students who do not obtain it will not go to second grade the following year but will be able to join a prep/high school class. Another announcement: the creation at the baccalaureate of an anticipated mathematics and science test based on the model of the French test at the end of first year.

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