Gabriel Attal finally explains why Macron refuses to debate with the other presidential candidates!

For the last Do not touch My TV of the week, Cyril Hanouna received Gabriel Attal. The government spokesman, secretary of state to the Prime Minister. The young man answered questions from Cyril Hanouna and columnists. The host asked if Emmanuel Macron was sure to be re-elected? “Not at all”he first said. “Every time I talk about the election with the president (…) what he says is that nothing is decided (…) Those who make the elections are not the pollsters, nor the polls, but the French when they go to vote”he added.

Two weeks before the first round of the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron still clearly dominates his competitors. The head of state today collects 27% of the voting intentions according to the specialists ofOpinionWay. In front of Marine Le Pen, Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Valérie Pécresse. “Until the last ballot box from the last polling station in the last commune has been counted, we do not know who will be elected by the French”.

He also explained why Brigitte Macron’s husband refused to debate with the other candidates. “Never has an outgoing president ever debated with the other candidates (…) because everyone has to respect the speaking time and on a two-hour program the candidates would all be looking to have their moment with the president to challenge him, ask him questions. The format is not possible”. And to the question of whether Marine Le Pen will once again be in the second round as in 2017, Gabriel Attal said: “I don’t know, it’s the French who will decide”he said before specifying: “In any case, Emmanuel Macron will debate with Marine Le Pen”if the two candidates meet in the second round.

Just before receiving the politician, the TPMP team exchanged with Jean Testanière, the man who communicates with the beyond. The latter took the opportunity to make a revelation about the presidential election.

See also: Zapping: The improbable exchange, on the terrace, between Cyril Hanouna and Gabriel Attal


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