The Prime Minister spoke in a long interview with “Parisien”, following a seminar bringing together the entire government for the first time.
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“There will be no downtime for action.” In an interview with Le Parisien, the Prime Minister detailed his timetable and his roadmap. After having brought together his entire government on Saturday February 10 in the morning at Matignon, Gabriel Attal assured that, “starting this spring”, “we will resolve several emergencies”, then will come one “summer of social progress” and one “autumn of work”.
The Prime Minister cited several new measures to come, particularly concerning the youngest, such as the introduction of disciplinary measures for CM1 and CM2: “Educational sanctions are needed much earlier, without waiting to convene a disciplinary council”declared the former Minister of National Education, also planning for the spring “measures on juvenile justice [afin] to adapt our sanctions to the youngest.
Gabriel Attal also returned on time spent on screens. “I want to work with the platforms to create a real digital lock, ensuring that no minor under the age of 13 can access social networks and that a minor between 13 and 15 can only access them with the consent of his parents”, he detailed to Le Parisien.
“Act 2 of labor market reform”
On the economic front, Gabriel Attal announced that a draft “Macron 2 law” will be presented before the summer “to unleash economic activity, growth and industrial development”.
To fight against fraud and non-recourse to social assistance, the Prime Minister declared the launch “at the very end of summer”, of an experiment of “pre-filling the activity bonus and RSA application forms”, with a view to generalization “by 2025”, he said. As for the modification of the Solidarity and Urban Renewal (SRU) law, which sets quotas for social housing in certain municipalities, will be presented before the summer, he continued.
On the issue of the fight against drug trafficking, in March he announced a “new anti-drug plan” focused on medium-sized towns.
Finally, for the start of the school year, the Prime Minister announced a bill “for Act II of the labor market reform”.