The Prime Minister attended the anniversary dinner on Sunday evening in honor of the 60th anniversary of the show, in the presence of the main leaders of the sector, after the site closed to the public.
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An unexpected visit. Gabriel Attal was invited to the Agricultural Show on Sunday February 25 to participate in the dinner given in honor of the 60th anniversary of the event. He took the opportunity to denounce the arrival, earlier in the day, of the leader of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella. The latter walked the aisles in a normal atmosphere, contrasting with the images of the day before, where Emmanuel Macron had been greeted by boos and clashes. “The French are not fooled by anything. Neither by exploitation, nor by lies, nor by smoke and mirrors”assured Gabriel Attal. “Farmers, our animals, our sectors are not a countryside setting” as the European elections approach, insisted the Prime Minister, who defended his record and attacked the RN.
“The show is neither a media circus, nor a political circus, nor an activist circus.”
Gabriel Attal, Prime Ministerat the Agricultural Show
“Our enemy is not the foreigner, it is the law of the unbridled market”, added the Prime Minister. And “you who are agricultural professionals, you know better than anyone that this agricultural exception must in no case be a closure. Because to give up trading is to condemn our agriculture to collapse”, did he declare. Gabriel Attal will return to the show on Tuesday, where he will walk the aisles all day, with a break for questions to the government in the National Assembly. The executive seeks to extinguish the agricultural crisis, which had been brewing for months but exploded in January.
Jordan Bardella therefore began a two-day visit to Porte de Versailles on Sunday, repeating his desire to promote the “economic patriotism” and of “change software” for farmers at European level, notably with the “exit from free trade agreements”. As for Emmanuel Macron, “I think that he clearly no longer has the sensors of the country of which he is president. And he probably does not realize the suffering that his policies cause”declared the RN MEP.