If the contours of such a contract remain to be defined, the Prime Minister assured Thursday evening on BFMTV that it would come “into force” from “the start of the school year in September”.
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“It’s a way of very strongly and symbolically reaffirming things.” Guest of BFMTV, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal gave details, on the evening of Thursday April 18, on the contract of commitment to respect the authority and values of the Republic between parents, establishments and students, including he had announced the creation the same morning, from the square of the town hall of Viry-Châtillon (Essonne).
Traveling in this city in the Paris region characterized by the death of young Shemseddine15 years old, beaten up near his college, Gabriel Attal rolled out his government’s roadmap on a “Grenelle” of violence against minors, divided into three parts (judicial, parents and screens, prevention).
A contract which “could open up to sanctions”
This document aims to “remind each family of their rights and obligations vis-à-vis the educational institution and the education of their children”explained the Prime Minister on BFMTV, who was Minister of Education until January. “Why is a contract needed? Because it is important to remind each family of their rights and obligations vis-à-vis the educational institution and the education of their children”, he elaborated. The Prime Minister said he “would find it logical” let the student sign it too.
This “contract of rights and obligations”, to be signed each time you return to school, “could open to sanctions” particularly in case “obvious lack of attendance” Or “non-participation of parents in the education of their children”, he detailed Thursday evening. He “will come into force (…) at the start of the school year in September”, underlined Gabriel Attal on BFMTV. However, the contours of such a contract remain to be defined, in consultation with “school heads, teacher representatives, parents of students”. This idea is inspired by the parents’ charter proposed by a recent senatorial report.