MP and vice-president of the National Rally Edwige Diaz was the guest of franceinfo on Wednesday.
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“Gabriel Attal and Emmanuel Macron are exploiting the Ukrainian drama for political and even electoral purposes”denounced Wednesday on franceinfo the RN deputy for Gironde Edwige Diaz, vice-president of the National Rally, on the eve of Emmanuel Macron’s interview on television on France’s support for Ukraine and the day after the debate to the National Assembly on the bilateral security agreement between Paris and kyiv.
On Tuesday, National Rally deputies abstained during the non-binding vote on the bilateral agreement. Edwige Diaz recalls the words of Marine Le Pen at the National Assembly which justified the choice of abstention: “Yes to support for Ukraine, but no to a war with Russia”. The RN MP believes at the same time that “voting against this agreement does not mean abandoning Ukraine, it does not mean submitting to Russia”.
Edwige Diaz judges that the “statements” of Emmanuel Macron saying “that nothing is excluded” in terms of sending Western troops on the ground are “very worrying” and worry “legitimately the French”. “When we listen to the statements of the Prime Minister who says that we should not set limits, I find that these are comments which do not direct us towards de-escalation”believes the MP.
“No one, absolutely no one, has questioned France’s support for Ukraine”, would like to reaffirm the vice-president of the RN. According to her, what was in question on Tuesday in the National Assembly, “it was ‘do we or do we not want to put the lives of our soldiers at risk? ? Whether or not we want Ukraine to join the European Union and NATO ?’ To these questions, the answer of the National Rally is no”. Edwige Diaz believes that voting in favor of Gabriel Attal’s declaration would have meant “that for ten years, there was no more debate on these questions”. On these questions “particularly important”the National Rally considers “that they must be the subject of a debate in Parliament”.