Gabriel Attal advocates a return of “demand” to school



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Education: Gabriel Attal advocates a return of “demand” to school

The Minister of National Education, Gabriel Attal, presented new measures on Tuesday, December 5 to strengthen the level of students, from primary to high school. – (franceinfo)

The Minister of National Education, Gabriel Attal, presented new measures on Tuesday, December 5 to strengthen the level of students, from primary to high school.

Open a new page in the French education system and restore standards to schools: these are the ambitions of the Minister of National Education. “Being more demanding means asking more of our students. Being more demanding means being able to say that, yes, school must be synonymous with effort”, thus listed Gabriel Attal, Tuesday December 5. The reform he intends to implement concerns all levels of education, from primary to high school.

The certificate will become compulsory to enter high school

In terms of knowledge, the teaching of French, general culture and mathematics will be reinforced, with a new mathematics and scientific culture test at the baccalaureate, at the end of first year. New school programs will also be put in place at middle school but also at primary level. The level of difficulty of the certificate will be raised and obtaining it will be compulsory to enter high school.

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