G7 ‘will never recognize’ Russian annexations

The countries of the G7 forum “will never recognize the alleged annexations” of Ukrainian territories by Russia, their foreign ministers said on Friday, promising new sanctions against Moscow.

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“We unanimously and strongly condemn Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and Russia’s continued violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence,” they added.

“President Putin’s efforts to integrate Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhia regions into the territory of the Russian Federation are further evidence of Russia’s blatant disregard for international law,” they continued.

G7 'will never recognize' Russian annexations

“And they are another example of Russia’s unacceptable violations of Ukraine’s sovereignty, of the United Nations Charter and of the principles and commitments jointly agreed in the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris,” they said. they stated.

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They also promised “to impose additional economic costs on Russia, as well as on individuals and organizations inside and outside Russia who politically and economically support these violations of international law”.

The ministers also “reaffirmed their condemnation of Russia’s irresponsible use of nuclear rhetoric”.

“It will not prevent or deter us from supporting Ukraine for as long as necessary,” said the foreign ministers of the G7 countries (Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Canada, United Kingdom and USA) and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs.

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