G7 threatens Russia with heavy economic sanctions if it invades Ukraine

The G7 on Sunday called on Russia to reduce its military resources near the Ukrainian border, threatening it with severe economic sanctions if it invaded its neighbor.

The foreign ministers of the seven G7 countries and the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy say they are “united in [leur] condemnation of the strengthening of the military presence and of Russia’s aggressive discourse against Ukraine ”.

The G7 urges Russia “to de-escalate, to search for diplomatic solutions, and to respect its international commitments of transparency on its military activities”. He praised Ukraine for its “attitude of restraint”.

“Any use of force to change borders is strictly prohibited by international law. Russia should have no doubts that any further military aggression against Ukraine would have massive consequences and a severe cost in response, ”reads the press release published on the website of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. .

Recent movements of troops and military equipment across the border between Ukraine and Russia dominated discussions at this weekend’s G7 foreign ministers meeting in Liverpool.

The G7 fears that these movements are the prelude to a Russian invasion. He vowed to inflict heavy economic sanctions on Russia if it were to take the plunge.

The Russian government denies any intention to invade Ukraine. Rather, she accuses her neighbor of having aggressive aims.

According to British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, the G7 is sending a “powerful signal to [ses] opponents and [ses] allies ”.

The press release mentions a “common and comprehensive response”, but gives no other details. Mme Truss says the G7 has “looked at all solutions” on economic sanctions. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken says the G7 “is ready to take the steps it has forbidden in the past” if Russia does not back down.

The G7 downplayed the risks of military intervention to possibly defend Ukraine, preferring to focus on harsh sanctions that would hit the Russian economy, not the leaders.

To American reporters who wanted to know if he was considering sending combat troops to Ukraine, President Joe Biden said the idea had not been explored. “Are you ready to send American troops to Ukraine to fight the Russians on a battlefield? He asked them in turn.

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