G7 Summit | “Concrete proposals” to increase pressure on Moscow

(Washington) The G7 summit in Germany this weekend will produce “a set of concrete proposals to increase pressure on Russia and show our collective support for Ukraine,” a senior White House official said Wednesday. .

Posted yesterday at 6:28 p.m.

He did not, however, give details on what these measures would be, after Westerners have already multiplied the announcements of sanctions against the regime of Vladimir Putin.

The same source also indicated that the subject of energy, the cost of which is exploding in the world, would be “at the heart of the discussions” between the leaders of the United States, Germany, France, Canada, of Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom at this summit.

The seven heads of state and government “see a set of common challenges in terms of the cost of living for their populations” and more widely in the world, particularly in terms of energy and food, said this senior official. , who declined to be named.

He was speaking at a press conference devoted to the participation of American President Joe Biden in this G7 Summit as well as in a NATO summit which will be held in stride, in Spain.

The White House stressed that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky would intervene, virtually, during these two meetings.

As for NATO, a senior US executive insisted that the Western defense alliance would present a new “strategic concept” to Madrid that “will mention the challenges posed by China”.

“It will be the first time,” she said.

Beijing will also be in the sights of the G7, which will look at China’s practices still deemed “more aggressive” in economic and commercial matters.

The White House also mentioned the launch, during the G7, of an “infrastructure partnership” for less developed countries, supposed to be a response to heavy Chinese investments all over the world.

The members of the G7 have also invited Argentina, India, Indonesia, Senegal and South Africa to join their summit in Spain.

On the defense side, the senior White House official did not indicate whether Joe Biden would take advantage of the NATO meeting to see face-to-face with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayipp Erdogan, who threatens to block joining the alliance of Finland and Sweden.

However, the United States remains “optimistic” about the possibility of finding a consensus with Ankara.

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