G20 Finance fails to agree on a joint communiqué referring to Ukraine

Meeting since Friday in Bangalore, they were trying to agree on solutions to the challenges faced by the world economy in a context of conflict and rising inflation.

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The finance ministers and central bankers of the G20 ended a meeting in India on Saturday, February 25, without reaching a joint statement. Meeting since Friday in Bangalore, they were trying to agree on solutions to the challenges faced by the world economy in a context of conflict and rising inflation. But the group failed to agree on a joint statement, due to differences with China over the war in Ukraine.

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India, which holds the presidency of the G20, published a “summary” discussions after the meetings. “Most members strongly condemned the war in Ukraine” with “different assessments of the situation and sanctions”, reports this document. An annotation specifies that within the G20, only China and Russia did not approve two paragraphs about Ukraine. Representatives of both countries argued that their role was to “dealing with economic and financial issues”, said a senior Indian official. In 2022, at previous meetings of the G20 Finance, no joint communiqué had been drafted either.

On Saturday, the Russian Foreign Ministry accused Westerners of having “destabilized” G20 Finance meetings. According to Moscow, the United States, the EU and the G7 have “disturbed the adoption of collective decisions”attempting to impose a “diktat” so that their interpretation of the conflict in Ukraine appears in the joint communiqué. “The G20 must remain an economic forum rather than encroaching on the security sphere”the ministry added.

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