Future wines

During the month of April, it is common to hear about futures in Bordeaux. This sales system specific to Bordeaux wines takes place from April 25 to 28. But we also talk about primeur for new wines like Beaujolais Nouveau. Pauline Champeil helps you understand the different meanings of the term “primeur”. The futures system is a Bordeaux institution, it revolves around this week of effervescence. Under the aegis of the Union des Grands Crus de Bordeaux and various groups of producers, it brings together wine professionals from all over the world to taste the latest vintage from a good hundred estates.

Pauline Champeil is a child of the country of St Emilion, where the younger generations work very good grape juice, before launching several years later, in the development of a vintage. It is therefore quite naturally that Pauline chose oenology, then from professional experiences in France to California, “Les Ateliers de Bacchus” was born. The Ateliers de Bacchus create turnkey oenological events focused on the world of wine and the richness of the Bordeaux vineyards, imagine tailor-made events for companies and individuals through cultural and sporting challenges in the heart of a friendly atmosphere. and unifying. On the site, there is also Pauline’s gazette with a blog and a YouTube channel “Au micro de Bacchus”.

Pauline Champeil author of Micro de bacchus

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