Future Quebec Coalition | Bernard Drainville, an opportunist according to the opposition

(Quebec) The opposition parties believe that the return to politics for the Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ) of former PQ minister Bernard Drainville, who until recently hosted a radio show at 98.5 FM in Montreal , is proof that he is above all an opportunist.

Posted at 11:41 a.m.
Updated at 1:19 p.m.

Hugo Pilon Larose

Hugo Pilon Larose
The Press

Mr. Drainville, known in politics for his impassioned speeches in favor of Quebec independence and for his involvement in the defunct Charter of Quebec Values ​​of the Parti Quebecois (PQ), confirmed on Tuesday that he will be the CAQ candidate in the riding of Lévis, on the South Shore of Quebec.

“The Bernard Drainville that I knew, the Bernard Drainville that many Quebecers know, where he was the best, where he had the greatest qualities, it was as a convinced separatist and a convincing separatist. […] If he puts that value aside today, I wonder what value will he push? Does he come back to us with a Charter of Values ​​2.0 or is he there simply for political convenience? “Questioned Tuesday the leader of the official opposition in Quebec, the Liberal MP André Fortin.

In a press briefing, Mr. Fortin cited old statements in which Mr. Drainville proudly displayed his independence convictions. “We do not have the luxury of resignation, abandonment, abdication, regardless of the political framework. We, separatists, have lasted in all forms, we must continue, ”wrote for example the former PQ minister, today CAQ.

“The arrival of Bernard Drainville at the CAQ is confirmation that François Legault’s electoral strategy is to campaign on immigration and religious symbols,” said the parliamentary leader of Québec solidaire. , Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois.

“People talk a lot about Mr. Drainville’s changing beliefs. I think we should talk more about what has not changed. Mr. Drainville is the writer of the Charter of Values, one of the most divisive events in recent political history in Quebec. […] Now he’s going into politics with a prime minister who wants to campaign on religious symbols and immigration. That is the priorities of the Legault-Drainville tandem, ”he continued.

What future for the opposition?

The arrival of a formerly convinced separatist like Bernard Drainville within the CAQ, which calls itself a nationalist and federalist party, is bad news for the PQ, which is currently collecting disastrous polls in voting intentions.

“I have not personally worked with Bernard Drainville, but I know him as a fervent independentist, and, essentially, someone who wanted to become leader of the Parti Québécois and become Prime Minister,” said PQ parliamentary leader Joël Arseneau. .

A few months before the election, no political party in Quebec currently competes with the CAQ in voting intentions, according to the most recent polls. In this last week of the parliamentary session, both the Liberal Party, Québec solidaire and the Parti Québécois will put forward the CAQ record in order to prepare the ground for the electoral campaign, which will be launched at the end of the summer.

“The environment is François Legault’s Achilles’ heel. […] I will work very hard to ensure that the environment is the thorn in François Legault’s side all summer and all fall,” said Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois.

The Liberals say they are ready

The leader of the Liberal Party, Dominique Anglade, affirms for her part that her militants are ready for an electoral summer which will be long, while her political party has not managed to move the electoral needle this spring. His party will unveil its electoral platform this weekend during a general council in Montreal.

“I think the troops are whipped, I think the troops know very well that we are going into an election campaign where we will have to go and defend the values ​​of the Liberal Party, also go and defend federalism, because, obviously , we will be the only ones to do it with the different parties that meet around there, ”she said.

“Four years ago, we suffered […] a crushing defeat. What we did was to roll up our sleeves and reconstitute the party on the basis of the militants’ wish to focus on independence. We also elected a new leader. We also reviewed the statutes, we adopted a national project. We are putting the finishing touches to an electoral platform, and we will have 125 candidates in the next election,” said Joël Arseneau of the Parti Québécois.

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