Future of Corsica, the discussions finally started

No taboo, all subjects must be discussed, but a red line not to be crossed, “Corsica in the Republic”.

The stage is set. Corsica, after three successive postponements, therefore finds itself as promised at the center of discussions with the government. A promise made last March during a visit to the island by the Minister of the Interior following the fatal attack on Yvan Colonna and the violence that resulted from it in the island streets.

Commitments honored

Moreover, during a tense microphone at the end of today’s meeting, Gérald Darmanin did not fail to recall things. ” As I promised last March, we held this first strategic committee with elected islanders. I kept my commitments. First of all _Prime Minister Jean Castex has taken the decision to authorize the reconciliation of detainees in Corsica_. Secondly, transparency will be made on the assassination of Yvan Colonna as the administration knows it to be the truth. Next week, the Prime Minister will receive the report commissioned from the justice inspection service. This report will be sent to justice so that the civil parties and in particular the family of Yvan Colonna have to know it. And then third, hold these strategy meetings today. »

Meetings every six weeks

The Minister of the Interior and the elected representatives of Corsica have therefore defined a meeting schedule. It was decided to organize meetings every six weeks, over one day, and on very specific themes. The next meeting is scheduled for mid-September, the 16th if nothing comes to shake things up. ” We have defined a work program which consists in taking care of the blocks of skills of the Corsican community and the major subjects which interest the Corsicans. In this case, we will see us in September to talk about the economic and social model, to be able to diversify the Corsican economy, how to finance actions and help a system which today is experiencing difficulties due to inflation and European difficulties. And then, each time, ask the institutional question. If we want to improve this or that thing in the economic and social model, can we do it with constant means? If so, let’s do it now. There will be the budget which arrives at the end of the year, it will be a good opportunity to do so. If not, how to write a potential organic law, even institutional changes which go towards a statute of autonomy. We could propose to the President of the Republic and to Parliament if he so decides.”

A second meeting will be devoted to land speculation and the questions that arise on urban planning and housing.

The third meeting will deal with the Corsican language and culture.

These three meetings will be held before the end of the year.

We will each time make an official rendering of all the statutes of autonomy of the islands of the Mediterranean so that we can be informed of the various regimes which concern Sicily, Sardinia, the Canary Islands. And a report on the evolution of the statutes of Corsica which clearly did not meet expectations clarified the Minister of the Interior.

The red line of the Republic…

There was convergence on this agenda and these themes. But there is also _a red line which is “Corsica in the Republic” and “not two types of citizens on the soil of the Republic _clarified Gerald Darmanin. “Otherwise, no taboo is ruled out. Thus, at the end of our consultation cycle, which we can imagine will last a year, if we agree, we will make proposals to the President of the Republic. concluded the Minister of the Interior.

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