Furniture | Corcoran opens a store in Quebec

No, it’s not the title of a new album or the project of a singer of the same name: Corcoran is the new shop space of the furniture importer and manufacturer that previously operated online.

The manufacturer has officially set up shop since June 7, in Quebec. He puts his craftsmanship at the service of a unique concept that allows customers to be inspired on site before ordering their personalized solid wood furniture, which will then be made in the workshop.

You can see, touch and choose the material in the “wood cellar” and choose from a hundred boards and different species from here and elsewhere. Various options are offered, including the possibility of inserting a sentimental or story-telling object into a table or another “river” type piece of furniture, treated with epoxy to seal memories. Corcoran pushes the buying experience further by offering its customers the opportunity to watch the various stages of manufacturing their furniture, from drying to finishing.

128 Saint-Sacrement Avenue, Quebec

source site-49