furious, a famous animator decided to ditch everything and flee to …

Enough is enough ! Like many Parisians, Stéphane Bern has made the decision to leave the capital for good. This Saturday, November 13, 2021, in the columns of the Parisian, the host announced his intention to move. This Sunday, December 14, the history buff will take all his belongings to move to the former royal and military college of Thiron-Gardais (Eure-et-Loir) that he bought in 2013.

A complicated but necessary choice for the famous animator who had lived in Paris since the age of 10. “I spent two confinements at home, in Perche, where I’m lucky to have more space. It was the trigger. Living in the countryside makes me happier“He explains. But since his workplaces are located in Paris, Stéphane Bern will have to organize himself differently:”As my job allows me to work largely remotely, I made the choice to return my Parisian apartment in Pigalle, where I had lived for 18 years. I will come back for work, but I will now be accommodated“.

He then explains that it is the deplorable state of the city that prompted him to pack his bags: “Dirt, holes in the road, permanent construction sites, noise, and above all, above all, violence … You have to hear how people talk to each other“he admits visibly saddened.”I deplore a general carelessness, and even a certain ugliness. Paris has become a trash can where people get rid of everything, anywhere and anyhow“continues the host.

Stéphane Bern, on the other hand, took care to defend the mayor of the city, Anne Hidalgo: “Her task is far from simple, and as far as I know, she’s not the one who gets her dirty, and it’s not the garbage collectors’ fault. Those primarily responsible are first and foremost the users“.

Eleanor de la Fontaine

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