funerals organized for deceased migrants



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No one knows his name. He died in the forest after crossing the border. So these Poles decided to offer him a dignified burial …

They were trying to escape hell, they wanted a better life, a better country, but something terrible happened to them at the Polish border. We do everything we can to give them a dignified funeral“For the second time in two days, a migrant has been found dead after successfully crossing the Polish border. He was buried here in Bohonik, a Tatar village where the Muslim community wants to show solidarity with the migrants.” Funerals are always terrible, especially when the family of the deceased cannot take part because we do not know the identity of this person “, laments Imam Ali Aleksander Bazarewicz.

When crossing the border, migrants are not prepared for what to expect. In the forest, it is damp cold and to remain there without food, without water, without heating, it is a death sentence. “When they passed through here, they were tired, soaked, they were exhausted. This is why we, as Polish Tatars, stand together“, says a resident.”I don’t wish nobody to go through this“, adds Ali Aleksander.

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