Funeral of Thierry Mugler: his collapsed companion, the family facing mourning

Farewell Manfred Thierry Mugler. The French couturier, fashion legend who has only made occasional collaborations in recent years (with Beyoncé for her tour or for Kim Kardashian at the MET Gala…), died on January 23, 2022 at the age of 73. His funeral was announced late by his family, who met this Thursday, February 4, in Paris.

Meeting was given for 11 a.m. at the Protestant temple of the Oratory of the Louvre, on the chic rue Saint-Honoré in the 1st arrondissement of the capital. We saw the arrival little by little of Thierry Mugler’s relatives, including his last companion, the visual artist Krzysztof Leon Dziemaszkiewicz, who had the opportunity to share moving words of love on Instagram. Collapsed but dignified, the latter shared his immense pain with those close to the creator, including the photographer Dominique Issermann in whom he fell into his arms. It is also a superb black and white photo – at a time when her astonishing physical transformation was not yet obvious – taken by this one which was exposed at the entrance of the temple. When the coffin arrived, Krzysztof Leon Dziemaszkiewicz helped carry it inside.

The late Thierry Mugler, who had no children, was honored by his family and friends on this very trying day. It was his brother Gérard Mugler who had announced the date and place of the funeral of the deceased creator in a press release published in the notebook of the Figaro. An announcement also signed by the nephews of Thierry Mugler, Johanna (of whom he was also the godfather) and Arnaud. The latter could thus say their final farewells to the couturier who had launched his own fashion house in his name in the 1970s.

As a reminder, the work of Thierry Mugler is currently to be discovered through the exhibition Couturissime, presented at the Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris. To celebrate the creator, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts – MMFA – produced and toured this unique retrospective, which traces the singularity of the man who revolutionized haute couture and perfume.

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