Funeral of Gaspard Ulliel: Rare appearance of Audrey Tautou for her “fiancé” of cinema

His disappearance on January 19, 2022 caused shock waves. Gaspard Ulliel died at the age of 37 in a skiing accident, an accidental death that led to a wave of tributes. His memory is now honored at his funeral this Thursday, January 27 in Paris, in the Saint-Eustache church. He is a man as humble as he is talented who is hailed, father of a little Orso, 6 years old, whose mother is his ex-girlfriend Gaëlle Pietri. A blessing is planned, as well as the reading of several texts, then he will be buried in the strictest privacy in a Parisian cemetery.

The relatives of Gaspard Ulliel go to the magnificent building in the 1st arrondissement, passing in front of a black and white portrait of the actor. Among the personalities present, we note the arrival of the very discreet Audrey Tautou, curly brown hair and glasses. The 45-year-old actress co-starred with Gaspard Ulliel in Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s drama, A long engagement Sunday. This adaptation of Sébastien Japrisot’s novel was released in 2004 and won five Césars, including the trophy for best hope for Gaspard Ulliel, who was just 20 years old at the time. In this feature film which takes place during the First World War, there is a scene which marked by its beauty, it is the one where the character of Audrey Tautou, Mathilde, touches the scar on the cheek of Gaspard Ulliel alias Manech .

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