Funeral of Elizabeth II: Why was Prince George dressed in navy blue and not black?

This Monday, September 19 at Westminster Abbey, Prince William and Kate Middleton were indeed present for the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, accompanied by their children: Princess Charlotte and Prince George. The latter, who was also cropped by his sister, did not wear black like her, which is however the traditional color at a funeral. He was dressed in a very elegant navy blue suit, which appealed to some observers and fans of the royal family.

But in reality, “funeral etiquette states that wearing dark colors at a funeral, including navy, is considered a sign of respect for the deceasedt,” the magazine reported. Hello!. Prince George therefore respected the rule, despite the doubts that hovered. No need to wear black, dark blue can be enough. It is therefore in this costume, a bit original but which respects tradition, that Louis’ big brother (not present at the ceremony because obviously too young to attend), appeared at the funeral of Elizabeth II.

A reassuring mother

After arriving at the abbey, he is part with his sister of the procession behind the coffin of the late monarch. During a last minute change, they walked side by side between their parents. They were supposed to follow them and be in front of their uncle and aunt, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Note that their mother, the new Princess of Wales, was particularly reassuring towards them.

Because it is not necessarily easy to attend a funeral at such a young age. It is for this reason that Kate Middleton has multiplied comforting gestures, such as holding firmly hold his daughter’s hand as they arrive at the abbey or offer a pat on the knee to his eldest son as the family sits in front of the service. She was also present to reassure Princess Charlotte when she burst into tears in front of her great-grandmother’s coffin. An United family !

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