Funeral of Elizabeth II: An object dear to the queen was visible on her favorite pony, poignant image

It was the final farewell. Monday, September 19, the British paid a last tribute to Queen Elizabeth II on the occasion of her funeral. A first state ceremony was held at midday in Westminster Abbey, before a procession escorted his coffin to Wellington’s Arch and then to Windsor Castle. Where a second ceremony took place at St. George’s Chapel before she was buried. And it is in front of this residence that the royal fans could see the love that the queen had for animals.

Indeed, his two corgis (dog breed, editor’s note) Muick and Sandy were taken to the quadrangle of the castle to attend the procession of the coffin. A scene immortalized in video, which obviously made the rounds of social networks.

An accessory dear to the monarch

Elizabeth II was also passionate about horses and riding. The presence of her pony Emma in Windsor, in addition to her dogs, was therefore not a surprise. On the other hand, what was one, it was the object posed on the saddle of the animal: a scarf decorated with horses. Why did this object, which initially seemed quite insignificant, appear at the Queen’s funeral? In reality, the scarf was a very useful accessory for the monarch since she used it as a riding helmet so as not to damage her hairstyle.

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