Funeral of Antoine Alléno: Sylvie Tellier and her husband Laurent, united for the last farewell

The world of gastronomy is in mourning. Antoine Alleno, son of the famous three-starred chef Yannick Alléno and himself at the helm of the restaurant kitchens Father and Son Burgeris died at only 24 years old Sunday May 8, 2022. While riding a scooter at a red light, he was hit by a car. The drunk driver, who fled, was found, indicted and remanded in custody. Less than a week after the tragedy, the relatives of the young deceased paid tribute to him during his funeral in the collegiate church of Notre-Dame de Poissy in the Yvelines. Big names in gastronomy, politicians but also other personalities were present this Friday, May 13, 2022, like Sylvie Tellier, who came accompanied.

Painful moment during which Yannick Alléno was able to count on the support of the former Miss France. Sylvie Tellier, in a chic little black dress, did not come alone. The pretty 43-year-old blonde showed off on the arm of her husband Laurent, also the father of her two youngest children Margaux (8 years old) and Roméo (3 years old) – she is the mother of a first child, Oscar (12 years old), born of her relationship with her ex-husband Camille Le Maux. Laurent, in a dark suit, white shirt and sunglasses (at times) screwed on his nose, shoulders his sweet, recently operated on the knee.

When the death of young Antoine Alléno was announced, Sylvie Tellier could not restrain his words. She had thus seized her Instagram account in order to testify to her pain in the face of the horror. “A torn life… My thoughts for Yannick his dad and his brother Thomas“, she wrote in the caption of a black and white photo of the missing chef.

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