Funeral of Antoine Alléno: Brigitte Macron presents solidarity policies for Yannick Alléno

Yannick Alléno left the stoves and restaurants this Friday, May 13. The chef had a very sad reason: the funeral of his youngest son Antoine. The meeting was fixed at the collegiate church of Notre-Dame de Poissy in the Yvelines around 3 p.m. An event during which the 53-year-old cook was well surrounded. His wife Laurence Bonnel and his eldest son Thomas were by his side, as were the world of gastronomy like Guy Savoy, Marc Veyrat, Jean-François Piège or even the former chef of the Elysée Guillaume Gomez. Speaking of Elysée precisely, the world of politics was also represented.

First Lady Brigitte Macron wanted to be present to support the chef and his entire family in this terrible ordeal. A mother herself can only imagine the immense pain that the loss of a child can cause. It was therefore essential for her to be there and to present, in her name and that of President Emmanuel Macron, her most sincere condolences. Several personalities linked to the government had also made the trip, such as Karl Olive, Mayor of Poissy, Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy and Julien Denormandie, Minister of Agriculture.

Antoine Alléno’s accident took place on Sunday May 8 in the evening. The young man was with a passenger on his scooter when he was hit by a car, whose driver was under the influence of alcohol and narcotics. The latter, quickly found after fleeing, even told the authorities that he was “too drunk” and therefore did not remember anything. The man was indicted and remanded in custody.

The tragic disappearance of Antoine Alléno at only 24 years old has upset an entire community. Tributes on the Web have also multiplied. The most moving remain those of his father Yannick Alléno and his brother Thomas with whom the complicity was immense: “My brother… My love… My double… My life… I will miss you very much. Words fail me to tell you how much I love you and how proud I am of you, of the man you were… You leave a huge void behind you.“Love will always be there.

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