“Fun is chasing me” by Bruno Rodéo

The funny name would only last for a while. After six albums rolling in the garnotte, the good humor of the wacko from the lake has not worn out, and his music has axles as solid as guitar necks. At a time when the Francos are offering their big stage at the Redneck Bluegrass Project, the Bruno Rodéo of the song’s video A mare is worth a horse plays it standing on a pickup…led by Sara Dufour. That spirit. A sort of trash country modernity happy to not always smell good. Songs that reinvent neither Willie nor Johnny, and certainly not Sara, but which all have the common strength to do good. don’t go therein the genre, is a model of emancipation: “Stop hitting your head […] Enwoye say it, stop making it simple,” says Bruno without ambiguity or pretension. Free expression until Extreme tourist : “We’re going to go to the spot / Let everyone flip / Take a selfie with a little arm,” exclaims the singer. A little arm in the bull’s forehead.

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Fun is chasing me

★★★ 1/2

Bruno Rodéo, independent

To watch on video

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