FULL SIGHT – Take to the skies with France Bleu Orléans

Just to impress you, Rodolphe Carré has decided to take to the skies!

A Big Wheel is installed in Orléans until January 9 © Radio France
Rodolphe Carré

It is installed on Place du Martroi, the main square in the city center with the statue of Joan of Arc in the middle, during the holidays and until January 9.

Nice view!
Nice view! © Radio France
Rodolphe Carré

Last year, the Big Wheel could not be installed. LThe city was planning to install it, the Interior Ministry banning large rides. It is therefore a relief for the people of Orleans to see the Big Wheel again.

Listen to the report by Rodolphe Carré

To rediscover this visit and other places in France, find the podcast of December 22 in Plein la vue right here!

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