FULL SIGHT – Catalan citrus fruits with France Bleu Rousillon

It is at Argelès sur Mer that Virginie and France Bleu Roussillon takes us today in Plein la vue, in a domain run by Frédéric Bey, a young farmer passionate about permaculture and agroecology. Frédéric developed the cultivation of citrus fruits with natural techniques. For example, it has set up windbreaks to protect trees which are very sensitive to the tramontana which sometimes blows very hard in the region. The shrubs seem to coexist with what looks like weeds, but they are in fact species like clover or rye which will be mown and which will come to amend the soil afterwards.

Frédéric’s idea is to promote Mediterranean species. He also cultivates olive trees, pomegranates and prickly pears. In an eco-responsible logic, Frédéric favors direct sales and cost circuits. It is also developing the transformation of its citrus fruits into jams, juices and liqueurs.

Listen to the report by Virginie Saint-Clair

To rediscover this visit and other places in France, find the podcast of December 23 in Plein la vue right here!

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