Fuel: switch to bioethanol

The “biofuel mania” affects France. Advice from Fanny Guinochet.

franceinfo: Why this tendency to choose this alternative fuel?

Fanny Guinochet: It must be said that the price difference is around one euro per litre, compared to conventional fuel. It is very beneficial. E85 superethanol, which contains agricultural ethanol, made from corn, wheat, beets, is a good solution to save you money. And the good news is that it works on most vehicles, passenger cars or utility vehicles, vans or even heavier vehicles – trucks, construction vehicles.

However, switching to this type of fuel requires you to adapt your vehicle, you must have a unit installed upstream. This is essential, otherwise you will damage your engine. The installation is done at a garage, it takes between 500 and 1500 euros, it is therefore to be taken as an investment that you will quickly amortize, especially if you drive a lot. As currently, there are many requests, do not delay in making an appointment with your mechanic and ask for a quote beforehand.

And are there any helpers?

Yes, local authorities rather play the game. For example, in Ile de France, a subsidy of 500 euros is granted per ethanol box, according to certain criteria: you must live in the territory, have a vehicle that corresponds to a certain tax power, etc. Find out.

In PACA, it’s 250 euros but the conditions are a little less strict. The Hauts-de-France region covers 40% of the cost of the box, up to a limit of 400 euros. The Oise departmental council grants 300 euros for the conversion etc etc. Look according to your territory, because sometimes it is possible to combine help from the region and help from the department.

In addition to the price, these biofuels are supported by advantageous taxation. The public authorities encourage them, even if, it should be noted, there are criticisms from environmental associations on these alternative fuels.

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