Fuel shortage: “The government has not anticipated anything”, says RN deputy Jean-Philippe Tanguy

The deputy of the Somme believes that the president and the government are “disconnected” from the daily life of the French. He also attacks the attitude of the CGT and the method of the strike.

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The government did nothing“of the fuel crisis, estimated Wednesday, October 12 on franceinfo Jean-Philippe Tanguy, RN deputy for the Somme, while many oil depots are blocked causing supply difficulties for the French in several regions. “Fuel is not a detail of French daily life or of the French economy“, emphasizes Jean-Philippe Tanguy. “The fact that the government hasn’t anticipated anything and that the president himself, faced with this problem, considers it secondary, for me is proof that he is completely out of touch with the realities of the French people.

The MP recalls that “the fuel sector is a strategic sector” and “the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Energy must constantly monitor and ensure that France is well supplied. It is guaranteed by law“. He sees thus in the current situation “a serious failure of the state“. He judges that Clément Beaune, the Minister of Transport, “realized that he made a serious mistake by underestimating the problem faced by the French“.

Considering the urgency of the situation, it is first necessary to release and requisition the employees necessary to restore the supply of the stations“, insists Jean-Philippe Tanguy who welcomes, despite everything, the first requisitions taken in Normandy. “If good decisions are made, so much the better. I am not in the politics of the worst“, he believes. But the deputy of the Somme wants “go much faster“. He is waiting “emergency measures“while calling on the government to commit”with Total and ExxonMobil on wage increases.

Jean-Philippe Tanguy also castigates the strike launched by the CGT: “These are not good methods. The CGT must defend all employees. Using what may be legitimate claims from some employees to put millions of others in difficulty is not a good method.“The RN deputy believes that a”certain number of strikers make decisions that do not affect those in charge, that do not affect the oligarchs“. According to him, that “creates social conflicts instead of uniting the French on claims that could unite them all.

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