Fuel prices: Xavier Bertrand “requests that the “surplus taxes be returned in full” to the French


Video duration:
13 mins

France 2

Xavier Bertrand, president of the Hauts-de-France region, was the guest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Monday September 25.

During his interview on Sunday September 24 on TF1 and France 2, Emmanuel Macron announced that the 100 euro fuel check, intended for the most modest workers, will be renewed next year. “The State can act, and must act further than the famous 100 euros”estimated Xavier Bertrand, guest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Monday. “We continue to write a check, while the State, each time we fill up, currently collects excess taxes”exposed the president of the region Hauts-de-France. “I ask that we return this surplus in full to the French, and that we no longer have to deal with the inevitability of filling up at two euros” the liter, he called.

The fear of “a bad blow to the French” with the 2024 budget

Asked about the vote on the budget for the year 2024, which aims to generate 16 billion euros in savings, Xavier Bertrand expressed his concerns: “I am afraid that this will be a bad blow to the French on Social Security or the state budget. “Like the state hasn’t done it in years savings on expenses – as done by local authorities – I’m afraid that the bill will be paid by the French”he justified.

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