Fuel prices, Ukrainian refugees, presidential … Julien Odoul’s “8:30 franceinfo”

“This government is not ashamed of anything, it is giving us an electoral and derisory discount”said Julien Odoul, spokesperson for the National Rally, this Sunday on franceinfo, concerning the decision of Prime Minister Jean Castex to set up a “discount at the pump of 15 centimes per liter” of fuel, from April 1 and for four months. “The French have been suffering for months from the collapse of their purchasing power, energy prices have been exploding for months, French people can no longer pay their electricity, gas and hesitate between full of groceries and full of gas”he added.

>> Fuel prices: the discount announced by Jean Castex “is not the best solution”, judges the president of the Association of Rural Mayors

“15 cents per litre, this does not even go back to the tax increases decided by Emmanuel Macron which were around 19 cents per litre”denounced Julien Odoul, according to whom, “the only valid, serious measure is the reduction of VAT on fuels by 20% as proposed by Marine Le Pen”, the RN presidential candidate. The spokesman for the National Rally estimated that it would cost “12 billion euros”, “12 billion which will be reinjected into purchasing power, into the real economy” and who will be “recovered from other non-fundamental budgets for the country”like “social fraud” or “immigration” who “costs us a lot of money”according to his terms.

“I don’t mind that we hide behind the Ukrainian crisis, behind international courts, but the first effect, the one that hits the wallet is the state. The state and the government have a responsibility”he lambasted, considering that at each passage to the pump “it’s 60% for the state”. Julien Odoul also denounced “the lessons given by Bruno Le Maire”asking the French to make an effort, because “They already do a lot” and “since a long time”. “Efforts must be made by the state, by the government”he repeated.

Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” of Sunday March 13, 2022:

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