Fuel prices, tax on “superprofits”, non-vaccinated caregivers … Olivier Marleix’s “8:30 am franceinfo”

Olivier Marleix, president of the LR group in the National Assembly, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Wednesday July 20, 2022.

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The president of the LR group in the National Assembly was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo”, Wednesday July 20. He answered questions from Lorrain Sénéchal and Neïla Latrous.

Fuel prices: “I’m hopeful that we can come to an agreement”

I hope we can get along” with the government on “a fuel reduction measure for our French compatriots at the pump from the start of the school year“, declared Olivier Marleix on franceinfo this Wednesday. The discount at the pump of 18 centimes per liter for all put in place by the government as an emergency to deal with the surge in oil prices will soon disappear. The government wants pass a more targeted measure to take over.”We are working on it. We are an opposition that wants to be useful. For us, this is the central question because it is the most unfair taxation, it is the taxation on France which gets up early to go to work and which needs a car“, he explained.

Tax on superprofits: “It would not be shocking to ask for an exceptional contribution” from TotalEnergies

If it were necessary, to contribute to a significant reduction in the cost of fuel for our compatriots, to put a little more Total to contribution, that would not shock us” reaffirmed Olivier Marleix. TotalEnergy has “a fairly flourishing financial situation overall thanks to the evolution of the price of oil. So it wouldn’t be offensive to ask for an outstanding contribution in some way“, he added.

Non-vaccinated caregivers: “We must put an end to this measure”

As soon as there is no longer any obligation for our compatriots, as soon as we consider that the epidemic is behind us, we must put an end to this measure“, estimated Olivier Marleix this Wednesday on franceinfo. The LR deputy particularly denounced this suspension which does not only concern unvaccinated caregivers. “Sincerely, today, prohibiting a firefighter from exercising, it no longer makes any sense“, he continued, while fires have been ravaging the Gironde for a week.

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