“Fuck those who lie on TV, on social networks … not our patients who are victims of these people”, says emergency doctor Mathias Wargon

That day, the head of emergencies at the Delafontaine hospital, in Saint-Denis, in the Seine-Saint-Denis department, returned to his department after an absence because he was affected by the coronavirus. fifth wave of the covid-19 coronavirus. Mathias Wargon goes around his patients: “Hello, so what happened there? A flu? No, you caught the Covid… You are not vaccinated, you either? Why? Were you afraid of the vaccine? cough a lot, especially at night? Well, it’s crackling… I’d put her on pneumo…”

Does he think the unvaccinated will? “There are plenty of reasons why people don’t get vaccinated. There, this lady thought she was safe from Covid because she lives alone, but they are still in contact with other people. other people, don’t necessarily put on the mask. Yes, I hope that people, we will get them as we go “, answers the emergency doctor to the magazine “1:15 p.m. on Sunday” (replay).

“We rather have people who are not well informed”

“Outright anti-vax people telling you stories about the vaccine, 5G, all that stuff…it’s bullshit. There’s not that much of it. We’ve got more people who aren’t well-informed, at who the doctors, the politicians… ultimately scare with the vaccine and people don’t get vaccinated”, reports from his experience Mathias Wargon. Does he think that the method of the President of the Republic is the right one? “I’m not a political columnist. All that is politics. It’s to piss off the right and the far left. That’s something else”, he believes.

“You need pedagogy. Me, fuck, since we’re talking about the president, fuck those who lie, who we see on TV, on social networks, those who are active… those, yes , fuck them, but people like that, no, they are our patients. Because my patients are victims of these people”, says the doctor who is at the bedside of his patients in one of the departments most affected by the pandemic and one of the least vaccinated in metropolitan France.

> Replays of France Télévisions news magazines are available on the Franceinfo website and its mobile application (iOS & Android), “Magazines” section.

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