“Fuck the freemasons”, inscriptions discovered on the temple of Pau

The temple of the Freemasons has been tagged in Pau. Marker inscriptions were discovered on the doors this Saturday afternoon. It is written “Fuck the freemasons“. According to the presidents of the lodges in Pau, it is not the local that is targeted,”these are the values ​​of the Republic“. The owners plan to file a complaint on Monday.

“We deplore this new attack on a Masonic local, a few months after the damage – much more important – committed in the temple of Tarbes and other similar facts targeting Masonic premises in France”, underline the presidents of the Pau lodges of the Grand Orient de France. In the rest of the press release, we can read: “It was not just a local that was targeted, but the values ​​of the French Republic – freedom, equality, fraternity, secularism – which all Freemasons defend. “

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