FTQ | Marc Ranger “very tempted” by the presidency

(Montreal) Another candidate could seek the presidency of the FTQ, after the departure of Daniel Boyer in November. Marc Ranger, former Quebec director of CUPE, admits to being “in real thought” on this subject and to even being “very tempted”.

Posted at 12:04 p.m.

Lia Levesque
The Canadian Press

On Tuesday, Magali Picard, former national executive vice-president of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), publicly announced her interest in the presidency of the FTQ. If elected, she would become the first woman to head the trade union center of more than 600,000 members.

In turn, in an interview with The Canadian Press on Wednesday, Marc Ranger admitted to seriously considering the issue. “It’s kind of in my DNA. It’s in my blood,” he said.

In the same breath, however, he himself points out that there has never been a woman at the head of the FTQ, while Magali Picard is applying for the position. “It’s part of my thinking,” he admits.

He plans to make his decision in the next few days.

Marc Ranger first became known to the public during the fight of the Canadian Union of Public Employees for pension plans in the municipal world, when the Liberal government had legislated on the question.

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