A week after the start of the school year, three teachers’ unions are calling for a strike and are denouncing in particular the generalisation of assessments in elementary schools.
Reading time: 1 min

Teachers are called to strike on Tuesday, September 10, at the call of three unions (FSU-SNUipp, CGT, Sud éducation), to denounce the generalization of assessments in French and mathematics from CP to CM2. “This is an attack on educational freedom”denounces Guislaine David, co-national secretary of FSU-SNUipp, on France Culture.
“We challenge the assessments that are on only a few elements of the program”regrets the unionist. Beyond the substance, the method is also criticized. Guislaine David denounces a “standardization of teaching practices,The results of the evaluations are sent back to the ministry and then come back down to standardize teachers’ practices and force them to change their teaching methods.”.
“We are not against assessments, but in favor of assessments that teachers put in place for their students because they know their students.”proposes the representative of the FSU-SNUipp, to the future Minister of Education, still not appointed.