FSE teachers sign their collective agreement

(Montreal) Some 73,000 francophone and anglophone teachers now have a new collective agreement, although the texts have just been signed.

Lia Levesque
The Canadian Press

Some 65,000 of them were represented by the Federation of Teachers’ Unions, affiliated to the CSQ, and 8,000 by its English-speaking counterpart, the Provincial Association of Teachers of Quebec.

The unions believe they have made “significant gains” for their members, who teach preschool, primary, secondary and vocational training.

In terms of salary, they approached the Canadian average, whereas they were at the back of the pack previously. The FSE said that “all teachers in Quebec” will benefit from salary increases ranging from 6.1% to 14.8% over three years.

Other improvements were made, such as the addition of 225 special classes over three years and a reduction from 32 to 30 hours of compulsory school attendance, on average, per week.

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