Video length: 1 min
Fruit juice: when Europe gets involved
European parliamentarians have validated the relaxation of regulations on fruit juices.
(France 2)
European parliamentarians have validated the relaxation of regulations on fruit juices.
Orange juice, clementine juice… Your favorite breakfast drink will soon not be quite the same. European authorities have just relaxed regulations on pure fruit juices. Europe removes the mention “no added sugar” for the benefit of the label “contains only naturally occurring sugars”. But the biggest change is that pure juices can now be reduced in sugar, as is already the case for jam, for example.
Sweeteners remain prohibited
A reduction of at least 30% which can be done using different processes including the addition of coconut water which dilutes the sugar content. Sweeteners remain prohibited. The French are among the biggest consumers of these pure fruit juices: they represent 70% of sales of fruit drinks.