From their fridge in Glasgow, the “climate generation” leads the fight

What world do we dream of when we grow up hearing about global warming and rising waters? How do you envision your future, your career, your life in a world in upheaval?

These are the questions we will try to answer this evening. “Le Quart d’Heure” handed his microphone to four young people, who come to tell us about the struggles of this “climate generation” who are trying to change the lines, shake up our habits and who want to be heard.

We will take you first to Issia. At 17, this high school student has been participating in climate marches for two years. And at home, she changed everything, from the fridge to the bathroom, despite her parents’ brakes.

Then we will meet Pierre, 23, and Claire, 26. He owns beehives in the heart of Paris, at Parc de la Villette. She founded Les Pépites Vertes, a medium that highlights young professionals in ecological transition. Together, they tell us about the anguish that gave birth to their commitment, the hope of being able to still change things, and the desire to do a job in line with their values.

Issia, Pierre, Claire … their individual commitments are important but they all told us: it will not be enough. Political decisions need to follow and that’s what 22-year-old Nathan is working on. This French student living in London is one of the seven young climate advisers to United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres. Activist since middle school, he tells us his skepticism towards the COP – a feeling that seems shared by many – and his desire that his generation take power, to finally initiate a real transition.

Guests: Issia and his family, Pierre Merlet, beekeeper at La Villette, Claire Pétrault, founder of Pépites Vertes, Nathan Méténier, young climate advisor to Antonio Guterres

Find “Le Quart d’Heure” from Monday to Friday on franceinfo, on the application Radio France and all other podcast apps (Spotify, Apple podcasts, Podcast Addict, Deezer …).

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