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A seagull from the Arctic has set up its nest on the Belgian coast. It is a very rare species, and it attracts wildlife photographers from all over Europe.
It almost feels like on the Croisette, in Cannes (Alpes-Maritimes). But it is in Nieuwpoort, Belgium, that photographers play the paparazzi. The star is a seagull from the North Pole. “It’s a species that has never been seen in Belgium before, and that everyone has been hoping to see for about twenty, thirty years., explains Vincent Legrand, wildlife photographer. The species lives in the Arctic. Since she has never seen the man, she is relatively easy to see. “
This inexperienced young seagull would have been lost during its migration, and the winds would have brought it to the Belgian coast. A small event that attracts specialists from all over Europe. “I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to see her once in my life”, welcomes Daniele Occhiato, Italian wildlife photographer. If it attracts so many photographers and ornithologists, it is not only for the beauty of its plumage, but because even in the Arctic, Ross’s gull is a rare species very difficult to observe.