From tai chi to karate

Praise of slowness, harmony of body and mind, tai chi is a true martial art. Sequences that allow you to work on the Powerfulthe flexibility and the vitality but also the calm and the relaxation.

Tai chi, through its principle of Chinese medicine, yin and yang, thus represents a philosophy of life, a way of spiritual fulfillment and self-knowledge.

Qi Gong is a similar practice. He can develop on the physical level, thanks to its many static and moving exercises, but also on the mental level, by the control of the thought and the culture of the spirit.

Good for health and synonymous with longevity, tai chi and qi gong are practiced everywhere in the Yonne.

Karate in heritage

Nobuaki Kanazawa in Saint-Clément on Saturday 29 October. He is the son of the famous grandmaster Hirokazu Kanazawa, 10th Dan, one of the last students of Gichin Funakoshi, founder of shotokan karate. In many ways, karate is the exact opposite of tai chi. And yet Hirokazu Kanazawa, the first great competitor in karate, was inspired by tai chi to develop his practice. he was the most brilliant representative of the Shotokan school throughout the world. And it is today his son who teaches this vision of karate throughout the world.

Exceptional internship in Saint Clément

Guests of 100% Sport

  • Raquelle JouanneauTai chi and Qi Gong teacher in Auxerre
  • Gilles Venet, president of the departmental committee of Karate

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