From space, Thomas Pesquet describes to Emmanuel Macron the climate damage on Earth

“These weather phenomena are accelerating in a worrying manner,” said the astronaut, who spoke with the President of the Republic from the International Space Station.

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“Through the window of the Space Station, one can clearly see the fragility of the Earth.” In a video conversation from the International Space Station, Thursday, November 4, astronaut Thomas Pesquet described to Emmanuel Macron the climate damage on Earth he saw from space during his second mission in orbit.

“Do you really see the consequences of climate change, tangible traces?” the president asked him from his desk. “Unfortunately yes, Mr. Presidentt, replied Thomas Pesquet. We saw entire regions burning, Canada, California covered in a cloud of smoke, the flames that we could see with the naked eye at 400 km of attitude, the same thing in the south of France and Greece and on the Mediterranean basin “, he said. He also described “the sad spectacle of the tropical storms which follow one another”.

“Have you seen any changes from your last mission?” chained the president, who had already conversed with the astronaut. “Yes, these weather phenomena are accelerating in a worrying way”, replied the astronaut, a finding that visibly struck the Head of State, remained silent for a moment.

“We must accelerate the commitments and their implementation much more. This is the objective of this COP26 and of what we are all trying to do at national, regional and European level”, concluded the president, thanking the astronaut for bringing “this part of dreams and inspiration”.

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